Maria Flammifera's Letter to the Magi of Ænigma (received January 1186)

Greetings to the magi of Ænigma Covenant!

We are most enthusiastic to hear of yet another Hermetic covenant being established in these wild Southern lands. While we are quite far from you in mundane terms, perhaps as far apart as any two Covenants can be while remaining in the same Tribunal, I am sure that we can find many ways to cooperate. We would, in fact, like to visit your new Covenant in order to help forge ties of friendship and mutual interest, and we would be equally pleased should any of your own number wish to visit us here. Rest assured that you will receive the finest of hospitality that we can provide within these humble halls. You must, of course, be wary of Moslem sorcerers and the like in your travels, but we will gladly provide escort in order to assure your safety.

We trust that this message will come to you in good time, and we eagerly await your response.

In the light of the Order,
Maria Flammifera filia Malebrisus scholae Flambonis
Imperterritus Covenant

Chiron Raucus' Letter to Academus Erronis (received January 1186)

To Academus Erronis filius Claudius scholae Bonisagi,

Certain of my compatriots of Alexandria have recently informed me that you have brought together a new Covenant on the banks of the Nile. I must congratulate you on your initiative, and I wish you and your companions luck in this endeavor. Matters in this Tribunal have been rather volatile of late, in large part due to the actions of certain magi of Imperterritus and, more shamefully, of Oculus Vigilans; and perhaps more importantly, due to a void of leadership. Gnarus Tenax, our Praeco, clings to life and sanity by a thread, and we anticipate some difficulties in transition when he passes from this world.

Please forgive the maunderings of an old man; I am sure that these political matters are of little interest to you, and as we have not yet been acquainted, it is less than proper for me to belabor such points as these. Know, though, that as a fellow Bonisagus, I do wish for your success, and I shall be glad to support you and your fellows. Most of my own sodales have little interest in political matters, except insofar as such matters impact upon them directly. It would be a pleasure to converse with yourself, or any of your own sodales, who might be interested in discussing matters of the day.

Lastly, I have been informed that our oracle wishes to address you personally, should you have the desire and opportunity to journey here. This is an unusual matter, and not one to be taken lightly. I have taken the liberty of enclosing a map depicting our location on the African continent, that you might more easily come to us if that should be your wish.

May the light of the Founders guide your way.

Chiron Raucus filius Andromeda scholae Bonisagi
Covenant Oraculum Ammonis

Of the City of Adocentyn (received March 1186)

Hermes constructed in the East of Egypt a City twelve miles long within which he constructed a castle which had four gates in each of its four parts. On the eastern gate he placed the form of an Eagle; on the western gate, the form of a Bull; on the southern gate the form of a Lion, and on the northern gate he constructed the form of a dog. Into these images he introduced spirits that spoke with voices, nor could anyone enter the gates of the City except by their permission. There he planted trees in the midst of that was a great tree that bore the fruit of all generation. On the summit of the castle he caused to be raised a tower thirty cubits high on the top of which he ordered to be placed a light-house the color of which changed every day until the 7th day after which it returned to the first color, and so the City was illuminated with these colors. Near the City there was abundance of waters in which dwelt many kinds of fish. Around the circumference of the City he engraved images and ordered them in such a manner that by their virtue the inhabitants were made virtuous and withdrawn from all wickedness and harm. The name of the City was Adocentyn.

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